MASSAGE Magazine’s “30 on 30 – Massage Experts” Article

MASSAGE Magazine covers

MASSAGE Magazine’s recent article, “30 on 30: Massage Experts on 30 Years of Massage Therapy,” featured Ariana Vincent, L.M.T., M.T.I., B.C.T.M.B. The article highlights the experiences, impressions, and opinions of massage experts, therapists, and educators about the massage profession’s evolution over three decades.

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Positive Influence – PART 3

_Ariana - Portrait with Hands on Client's Back - ZR - Excellent - IMG_3620Beginning Your Career as a Massage Therapy Instructor
There are myriad ways you can configure your career as an MTI. You can work part-time or full-time, you can use your experiences as an MTI as a stepping-stone to another career, you can focus on being an MTI as a second career, you can blend teaching with your current vibrant massage therapy practice, or you can supplement your retirement income by becoming an MTI. There are opportunities to work as an independent massage therapy instructor like I do, you can work as an instructor at an established massage therapy school, and/or you can work for a nationwide company that provides massage therapy classes throughout the U.S. Continue reading “Positive Influence – PART 3”

Posted in Ariana Institute, Ariana Vincent, CE Classes, continuing education, Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy Instructor, Publications, UncategorizedTagged , , , , , , ,

Positive Influence – PART 2

Ariana with hands on client's back - ZR - IMG_3624What to Look for in a Massage Therapy Instructor’s Course

The first step would be to research and decide whether you prefer an online MTI course or a course that is offered in a classroom environment. Many people prefer an online course since the information presented in an MTI course is cognitive in nature and the online format lends itself well to cognitive classes, while other students prefer personal interactions in a classroom setting. There are also financial considerations to be contemplated; the tuition for an online course is usually less expensive than a classroom course. Online courses also take less time away from income-producing activities while accomplishing the goal of successfully completing an MTI course and beginning a career as an MTI. Here is a testimonial from a student, “I was fully challenged to retain and learn new information. This course was accessible to me online which I love because I don’t have the time for traveling for CEs. Thank you so much giving LMTs like me the opportunity to excel in business and in life. Completing this course makes me feel self-sufficient. Thank you!” – Sabrina Quebe, LMT, MTI Continue reading “Positive Influence – PART 2”

Posted in Ariana Institute, Ariana Vincent, CE Classes, continuing education, Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy Instructor, Publications, UncategorizedTagged , , , , , , ,

Positive Influence – Part 1


The Paths to Becoming a Massage Therapy Instructor
Serving as a Massage Therapy Instructor and Continuing Education Provider has been a vehicle that has facilitated the opening of my heart and my intellect in unimaginable ways as part of my devotion to a path of service. When you look within yourself and evaluate your life, do you feel that you have the desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others? You could actualize this goal by becoming a Massage Therapy Instructor (MTI). Not only would you be living a virtuous life of service, but you would also concurrently be adding another stream of income to your professional portfolio. If you find this path to be of interest, here are some guidelines that will help facilitate your success. Continue reading “Positive Influence – Part 1”

Posted in Ariana Institute, Ariana Vincent, continuing education, Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy Instructor, PublicationsTagged , , , , , , , ,

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